Map showing sub-catchments for the San Fernando Wastewater Treatment plant.
The San Fernando Wastewater Project is located in the San Fernando catchment which covers a 42 km2 area including the City of San Fernando and environs. The project consists of an integrated and centralized Wastewater Collection System that captures wastewater from the entire catchment area and conveys it to a single 45 ML/d Wastewater Treatment Plant for processing. The overall project comprises:
- Construction of a new 45 ML/d Wastewater Treatment Plan to meet the needs of year 2035 forecasted population of 111,600.
The new San Fernando WWTP will replace all existing plants within the project boundaries, and will be located on the site of the existing San Fernando WWTP. The entrance to the plant is currently from Riverside Drive. A new Access Road and bridge was constructed under the existing IDB Loan 2890/OCTT – Multi-Phase Wastewater Rehabilitation Programme –Phase 1 – from Gulf View Industrial Park Road to facilitate the access for the construction of the New San Fernando Waste Water Treatment. The aim of constructing a new access point to the plant site is to avoid disruption to the current operation and access of the existing plant, and to minimize disruption to the residents on Riverside Road.
The new San Fernando WWTP will be constructed at the site of the existing San Fernando WWTP. Construction sequencing will ensure that treatment of the incoming wastewater continues throughout construction. The plant will be sized to treat wastewater flows for full catchment using the design year 2035 ADWF of 45 ML/d and PDWF of 90 ML/d through secondary and tertiary treatment. The influent pump station and screenings and grit removal facilities (headworks) will be capable of handling the design PWWF of 158 ML/d. Flows in excess of the PWWF will be diverted to storm water storage facilities, facilitated through the reuse of existing clarifiers. Treated effluent will be discharged to the Cipero River. Screenings and grit will be washed, dewatered and hauled off site for disposal in a landfill. Waste solids from the activated sludge secondary treatment process will be aerobically digested, dewatered, and hauled off site for disposal.
The treatment scheme for the liquid stream includes the following unit processes:
- Influent Pumping
- Septage Receiving Station
- Fine Screening
- Grit Removal
- Storm Water Storage
- Activated Sludge Aeration (Bioreactors)
- Secondary Clarification
- Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pumping
- Filtration
- UV Disinfection
- Chlorination (Re-use)